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更新时间:2025-03-10 11:31:22

cast about for

英 [kɑ:st əˈbaut fɔ:]

美 [kæst əˈbaʊt fɔr]

到处寻找; 试图找到
  • 网络解释

1. 搜索,寻觅:cash in 兑现;收到...的货款 | cast about for 搜索,寻觅 | cast aside 消除,抛弃;废除

2. 寻找:cast a vote for 投票 | cast about for 寻找 | cast about 搜索

3. cast about for

3. 寻觅......,想方设法:carry out突现、开展......;执行、贯彻...... | cast about for寻觅......,想方设法 | cast away丢掉、抛弃......

4. 寻找; 搜集, 物色, 设法; 计划:cast about 寻找; 物色; 想办法;[航海]掉转航向 | cast about for 寻找; 搜集, 物色, 设法; 计划 | cast round for 寻找; 搜集, 物色, 设法; 计划

Lemore was always pleasant company, despite her penchant for scolding him whenever he said something rude about the gods. If Griff wants to cast me as the fool, I'll play the game.(除了每当他对神灵说点不敬的话就会批评他的嗜好外,莱莫尔总的来说是个愉快的伙伴。)
For problems cast as social contracts or as questions of risk avoidance, by contrast, non-psychopaths got it right about 70% of the time.(但体现出社会契约或者风险规避的问题则相反,非精神病态者70%的时间都做对了。)
There is one question that bothers many a man. Should he stick to the job he has, or cast about at once for a better one.(有个问题困扰着许多人,那就是一个人到底是应该坚持做他已有的这份工作,还是应该立马辞职去找一份所谓更好的工作。)
A difficult foundry problem about the cast shaping of the small and deep holes in the heavy section steel castings can be solved by using the no bake sand. for making cores.(用这种型砂制作型芯,可解决厚大铸钢件内不易铸出的小径深孔腔室的成形难题。)
The cast had been performing the exact same show since April 2010 for a total of 326 performances and 26 previews. Almost 400,000 people have seen the musical and paid about $77 per ticket.(因为该剧组人员从2010年四月份以来已经公演了326次以及试演了26次,差不多40万人购买77美元一张票观看了这出音乐剧。)
I also cast about for some means of warning him.(我也想寻找些方法来警告他。)
He cast about desperately for something to say.(他努力地想找些话说。)
Unlike, for example, a class-cast exception, a null-pointer exception says nothing about what was expected instead of the null pointer.(例如,不像一个类转型异常,空指针异常不给出它所需要的内容的任何信息,只有一个空指针。)
God took pity on my hopeless state, for just as I was about to cast myself into the sea, Isaw a ship in the distance.(上帝怜惜着我失望的情境了,因为刚刚预备我自己投入海中,我见到一只船在距离不远的地方。)
And so humans cast kingdoms that were very large such as the dolphins and whales in the water and dragons to fly about the air to help create the necessary energy flow for homecoming.(因此,人类投铸了体形非常巨大的王国如水中的海豚鲸鱼、空中飞翔的龙,来为回家帮助创造出必要的能量流。)
cast about for是什么意思 cast about for在线翻译 cast about for什么意思 cast about for的意思 cast about for的翻译 cast about for的解释 cast about for的发音 cast about for的同义词